3.2 One-Point Perspective Interior


Practice one-point perspective and environment design by following a prompt to create an interior.

1) Receive your interior’s prompt by rolling a d20 for each column from this prompt sheet.

2) Create a mood board where you add elements matching your prompt for inspiration.

3) Download the perspective grid.

4) Sketch your room’s main elements. Make sure all depth lines follow the orthogonal guidelines!

5) Create your clean lines. Add final details and don’t forget to create pleasing lines through the build-up and carving methods.

6) Add simple color and basic shading. The paint bucket and lasso tools are your friend!

Novice (50%)

Student does not complete all steps, has improper perspective, or submits work incorrectly.

Apprentice (80%)

Student completes most steps, has some improper perspective, or a weak attention to detail.

Master (100%)

Student clearly follows their prompt with proper perspective and strong attention to detail.

Grandmaster (Extra Credit)

Student expertly uses lighting and shading to elevate their interior's atmosphere.
