3.3 Architectural Vertorama


Develop the craft of creating vertical panoramas of man-made structures.

Just like making a horizontal panorama, we can use Lightroom or Photoshop to make a vertical stitched photo of tall subjects like buildings.

1) Take 30+ images on the field trip to Gas Works Park practicing the composition rules in AV mode.

2) Take 3+ examples of vertical panoramas (aka vertoramas) of tall structures. For these, use a high F-Stop (aperture number) so everything is in focus.

3) Merge 1 vertorama, retouch it to remove distractions, and remember that editing in Lightroom and/or Photoshop is necessary for every image you submit unless otherwise stated.

4) Choose 3+ of your favorite normal photos, edit them, and add in a gallery.

5) Add a paragraph about the assignment and how you approached it.

Novice (50%)

Student does not use time well on location, does not complete all steps, or submits work incorrectly.

Apprentice (80%)

Student uses time fairly well on location, completes most steps, or has a weak attention to detail.

Master (100%)

Student uses time well on location, completes all steps, and has a strong attention to detail.

Grandmaster (Extra Credit)

Student earns a Master and creates an HDR Vertorama.
