3.5 "Senior" Portraits


Develop photography and modeling skills while using filters to creatively add unity to a series.

Senior photos… a rite of passage that you can actually make a career on!

Before our field trip to Lake Union, choose 1-2 partners. You will take turns modeling for each other as if you were taking senior portraits to share with your family (the better the photo, the more $ your relatives send at graduation).

1) Find 5+ poses for your model to try:  for boysfor girls. Screenshot them so you can easily access them.

2) While at Lake Union, take warm-up shots and end the day with 30+ photos overall. Make sure to have the 5+ different poses of your model to choose from.

3) Retouch the best 4+ portraits using the steps from 2.8 Portrait Retouching

4Choose a filter (or combination of filters) that you like and apply it to all of them to add unity to the series.

Novice (50%)

Student does not complete all steps, does not use time well on location, or submits work incorrectly.

Apprentice (80%)

Student completes most steps, series is not unified, or does not use time well on location.

Master (100%)

Student completes all steps, creates a unified series, and uses time well on location.

Grandmaster (Extra Credit)

Student takes and edits more than 4 superb portraits and creates their own Photoshop filter.
